
Health Policies & Procedures

Health Policies & Procedures – Effective 2.22.22

To stop the spread of illness to other children and school staff, please keep your child(ren) at home when they are sick or feeling unwell.

Symptoms of can illness include, but are not limited to, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, congestion/ runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

Please email attendance ([email protected] or [email protected]) and the teacher if your child is going to be absent.

Please also email the nurse at [email protected] if your child has tested positive for COVID-19.

Individuals must also stay home for:

  • Fever 100.4 or greater (until fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours)
  • Vomiting/ Diarrhea (until 24 hours symptom free)
  • Pink Eye/ bacterial conjunctivitis (until 24 hours on medication)
  • Strep throat (until 24 hours on medication)
  • Head lice (Head treated and no lice prior to return)
  • Contagious chickenpox (stay home until all chickenpox lesions have crusted/ scabbed and no new lesions for 24 hours)
  • Open sores from any infectious disease or undiagnosed rash
  • Other contagious illnesses

If a student becomes ill during the school day, he/she will be sent to the healthcare office. The parent will be called and must arrange to pick him/her up promptly. Some illnesses may require a re-check before students are allowed to return to class.


If an individual takes a COVID-19 test due to symptoms, they must remain home until the test results return.

If an individual tests positive for COVID-19 they must isolate for a minimum of 5 days. Day 0 is the date of onset of symptoms (or, if asymptomatic, the date the test was taken). They can return after a 5 day isolation period as long as they are fever free for 24 hours and other symptoms are improving, but must wear a mask for an additional 5 days to minimize the risk of infecting others per health department policy.

~ Day 0 = Date of onset of symptoms (or, if asymptomatic, the date the positive COVID test was taken)

~ Day 6 = The earliest you may return to school