Mrs. Cathy Cole » Meet Mrs. Cathy Cole

Meet Mrs. Cathy Cole

Mrs. Cathy Cole

Director of College Counseling


University of Pennsylvania (Dual-Degree Program)

Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in political science
Bachelor of Science in Economics with concentrations in economics and marketing

University of California, Riverside

Professional Certificate in College Admissions Counseling


What's My Why?

Five years after joining the GRACE community as a parent, God opened a door for me to join the staff, and for seven years I served in a variety of marketing and communications roles. Five years after joining the staff, God began to prepare me for a change that only He saw coming; in August 2019, He opened the door for me to step into my current position as Director of College Counseling. I work primarily with juniors and seniors and love connecting them to good college and career options. I also help younger students with course selection and fanning the flame of the passions they already have.