Sara Miriello » Meet Mrs. Sara Miriello

Meet Mrs. Sara Miriello

Mrs. Sara Miriello
6th Grade History Teacher
Christopher Newport University, BA in History and Social Science with a licensure in Education.
What's my why?
My kids and I joined the GRACE family in 2021 and have been so blessed by the welcoming community.   The teachers are kind and have really embodied what it means for students to be "known, valued, and loved."   I taught secondary World History in the Christian school I graduated from before having kids.  I then homeschooled my kids for 7 years and taught history at a university model homeschool group.  I have a passion for making history relevant and alive.  I love connecting every piece of history to Jesus because it truly is His Story.   I believe children will thrive in an environment where they are treated with dignity and respect and shown God’s love. I want students to know they are created for a great purpose.