GRACE Christian School Home

Lower Campus (TK-6th)

Our Lower Campus community thrives by creating a nurturing environment where each child is encouraged to pursue their gifting, affirmed for demonstrating Christ-like character, and challenged to grow not only academically and socially - but also in their walk with the Lord. Our students leave Lower Campus confident, prepared and ready to tackle the challenge of our rigorous college preparatory academic program that follows on Upper Campus.

Upper Campus (7th-12th)

Hallmarks of our Upper Campus environment not only include a robust academic preparation, but also creating opportunities for our students to apply problem-solving skills to non-academic situations, develop the ability to clearly articulate ideas, and critically examine different points of view. Students are encouraged to participate in fine arts, sports, and other extracurricular activities that are designed to help cultivate their God-given gifts, talents, and interests.


Donuts for Dads

Time: 8 AM – 9 AM
Location: Upper Campus Student Center

News and Articles

honor roll

Honor Roll Recipients

Congratulations to our 6-12th grade students who receive Honor Roll designations for the first semester.

Save the Date

We’re celebrating 40 Years with rubies this year at our annual GRACE Gala + Auction proudly presented by Stonehaven Jewelry.