National Honor Society » National Honor Society

National Honor Society

Request an NHS Tutor

GRACE students may request a NHS tutor using the Request a GRACE Tutor Form. The student’s tutoring needs will be matched with an available NHS student by the officers of the GRACE NHS chapter.

At GRACE Christian School, rising juniors and seniors will be assessed for National Honor Society (NHS) eligibility at the beginning of August. An overview of the eligibility requirements includes: 

  • Must be selected as a candidate by GRACE's faculty based on their service, leadership, and character.
  • Must have a weighted minimum cumulative GPA of 3.7
  • Must have demonstrated commitment to community service, with all required community service hours up to date as of July 31.

After being notified of eligibility, a student may submit the candidate application to be considered for induction.

To learn more about the GRACE Chapter of the NHS, please read the GRACE National Honor Society Chapter Bylaws. This document includes more details about NHS eligibility and ongoing requirements and includes important dates and deadlines. 

GRACE National Honors Society Chapter Bylaws
In addition to maintaining the standards that earn membership, NHS members attend chapter meetings; perform service projects that benefit their school and communities; and fulfill other responsibilities as required by GRACE Christian School including the following:

Chapter Community Service Project
At GRACE, we have created the tutoring program to meet the national requirement for all chapters to have a community service project. Tutoring requirements for GRACE's NHS students include:

  • a minimum of 10 hours/year
  • must be with a GRACE student (to specifically impact this community)
  • tutoring a sibling is only permitted if the sibling's teacher has signed the Sibling Tutoring Confirmation Form


Students must log all hours on the NHS Tutoring Form or Givefinity app and have a supervising adult sign off that they witnessed the tutoring being completed.

Individual service hours
In addition to the tutoring hours, NHS students need to complete a minimum of 10 individual hours/year of community service of their choice. This is in addition to the 20 hours required by all GRACE students to graduate. Students must log all completed hours on the NHS Individual Service Form or Givefinity app and submit it to their NHS adviser by the due date.

Students who consistently fulfill all of these requirements will be allowed to wear the NHS cords at GRACE Christian School’s graduation ceremony.

For more information about the GRACE NHS Chapter, please contact Marcia Wingerd at [email protected].