About » Leadership


The GRACE Board of Trustees considers it a blessing to be a part of what God is doing through GRACE in the lives of our students. Our Lord is guiding exciting changes at GRACE, but we continue to be a loving community working together for a common purpose – equipping our students for life, academically and spiritually, so that they are prepared to follow God’s plan for their lives. Please see the Board Directory for more information about the trustees. 

In simplest terms, the GRACE Board has 4 primary duties:

  1. Supervise the work of the Head of School;
  2. guard our school’s mission;
  3. set policies that work toward our mission’s fulfillment, and
  4. build the means and strategies to fund our school’s mission.

By way of contrast, the Head of School leads and directs the day-to-day operations of GRACE and implements the general policies established by the Board. With our Lord’s direction and blessing, our Board has helped lead GRACE in many growth areas, including physical improvements on both campuses, building financial stability, working toward exemplary accreditation through ACSI, expanding student enrollment, developing an effective advancement/development effort, and guiding the purchase of new land for our future campus.

Each Trustee testifies to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, commits to serve faithfully at GRACE and seeks God’s leading in all Board matters. Board service is a demanding, challenging, humbling and rewarding commitment that requires prayer, wisdom, judgment, discretion, trust and substantial time. Our Board consists of at least six voting members and two administrators sitting ex-officio. The Board has regularly scheduled meetings throughout the year, as well as subcommittee meetings focused on specific topics, such as governance or finance. Members can serve two consecutive terms but then must take a year off before serving again.

Board Trustees are nominated by the board governance committee in consultation with the school leadership. Trustees are selected based in large part on their spiritual maturity, commitment to GRACE, involvement in the community at large, dedication to Christian education, and ability to further the GRACE mission through their gifts and talents.