
Lower Campus Art Spotlight

The school year is ending on a "sweet" note! In art, TK-6th grade students have all created artwork to celebrate the artist Wayne Thiebaud, who is currently 100 years old! Known for his paintings of food – especially desserts – each grade level has made their own food-themed artwork: TK sculpted lollipops with model magic, kindergarten created gumball machines, first grade made "sky-high" ice cream cones, second grade made sandwich collages, third grade carved and printed scratch foam prints of birthday cakes, fourth grade used chalk pastels to draw and shade cupcakes, fifth grade made realistic toilet paper sculptures of donuts, and sixth grade is finishing up model magic sculptures of gourmet chocolates!
Additionally, sixth-grade art elective students also brightened our school with a beautiful legacy mural! Each student in sixth grade left a handprint and their name on a wall in the sixth-grade stairwell. Inspired by Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night, elective students then painted short dashes and swirls around the handprints, which look like stars, and created a village and landscape similar to those in Starry Night. Future sixth-grade classes will continue adding on to this mural. What a great way to leave their mark on the Lower Campus!
Starry Night